March City Update & Important Election Information

Dear Neighbors,

This update for March is a little longer than usual because of all of the things happening in the city and I have included information regarding my campaign platform.  

Please make plans to attend the State of the City Town Hall on Tuesday evening, 6pm, at City Hall. The Council will be discussing their vision for improvements to service, public safety, community engagement and ideas looking to the future.

With Spring right around the corner, you’ll want to make sure that unpaved utility easements behind homes are mowed to an acceptable height in order to eliminate rats, mice, snakes and other critters from finding their way into your yard. Each resident is responsible for one-half of the easements behind their property.

The election for Mayor and for a new District 2 Council Representative is rapidly approaching. Please read below to see much of my platform and goals for the city.

I am honored and humbled to have the support of the Farmers Branch Police Officers Association as I run for Mayor. Truly an honor!

If you ever have a question about me, my campaign or things the city is doing/planning, feel free to message me or call me. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

I encourage everyone to vote. At the end of the day, we are still a small town so each vote speaks louder than you think.  



This Tuesday, February 28, from 11am till 5pm, the City Council will meet to discuss a number of priority items. The public is invited to attend. Items on the agenda will be:

  • Review 2023 Critical Business Outcomes and Identify 2024 Critical Business Outcomes
  • Discuss the City of Farmers Branch Public Safety Mental Health Resiliency Program
  • Discuss the City of Farmers Branch integrating Pulse Point to improve the quality of life for our residents
  • Discuss the Police Department’s Public Service Officer and Community Outreach initiatives
  • Discuss Economic Development land development and philosophy
  • Discuss recruiting and retaining efforts
  • Discuss the budget philosophy for the 2023-24 budget process
  • Discuss Community Engagement


The City Council meetings for March will take place on Tuesday, March 7th and 21st, at 6pm, in the City Council Chambers. The meetings are open to the public. The Study Session will take place at 3:00pm prior in the upstairs meeting room.

SPECIAL NOTE: Mayor Glancy has said that the public may now speak at City Council meetings during Citizen Comment and on agenda items without having to pre-register online. Just sign up when you get to City Hall.

Citizens are given 3 minutes to speak to any topic during Citizen Comment as long as they are cordial and don’t make disparaging remarks to Council or staff. This is your time to bring issues to the attention of Council and the City.

The agenda for the Council Meetings and Study Sessions may be found by clicking on AGENDA. Be sure to search for March 2023.


Saturday, March 4th, from 9am till noon, in the City Hall parking lot at 13000 William Dodson Parkway

Bring your important but outdated files, records and paperwork to be shredded by the City free of charge. Residents only and no company shredding.


The week of March 6th will be Bulk Item Pick-Up Week. The Green Grabber will pick up BULK items on the same day as your recycling bin pick-up. Bulk consists of furniture, mattresses, appliances, etc.

The other weeks of the month the Green Grabber will only pick-up BRUSH.

Please do your part to help us save our landfill by separating your brush and green items from bulk items and put brush out the remaining three weeks of the month.

Residents may call for a “special bulk pick-up” by The Green Grabber. Special Pick-ups are done on Wednesdays as available.  Call 972-919-2597.


The First Monday Breakfast for February takes place Monday, March 6th, at 8:15am at The Branch Connection and will be limited to the first 100 active adults. Free for TBC members and $5 for non-members. Come join us for some good food, meet new neighbors and see what all is happening at TBC!

Join The Branch Connection today and take advantage of these and so many more fun activities! Click NEWSLETTER for The Branch Connection Newsletter and see all the great things happening there!


Friday Franks is back, Friday, March 17, from 11:30 to 12:30 at The Branch Connection. Come and enjoy delicious grilled hot dogs with all the fixins’ courtesy of the Senior Advisory Board. Non-members, $5.                  

Each month, I have been telling you about my campaign. The 4 pillars of my campaign are:

  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Customer Service

As I have stated since I first ran for Council, I will work to serve ALL residents of our city. That includes our business residents also.

We have a diverse population in many ways. Everyone deserves their voice heard at City Hall.

I believe we are ONE PEOPLE in Farmers Branch. If you live in our city, regardless of status, you deserve to be represented.  

I will work with our City Council to Make Our City Better and provide Better Local Government to our residents. You deserve nothing less.

Listen First” has been a constant theme of mine. I cannot represent people if I don’t listen to their concerns. To do that, you have to be involved. 

Lastly, EXPERIENCE MATTERS. My service on City Council for 6 years and having served on 3 city boards prior to that to learn about the city, along with my vast business experience has prepared and qualified me to serve as your Mayor.  

Please consider supporting my campaign by going to   Let’s bring back responsible local government!

See interview with Terry on OBBM Network Weekly News.

If you would like a yard sign to show support for my campaign, just send me a note with your name and address. My team will drop one off for you. Thank you.  

While the Mayor does not run the city, the mayor does provide guidance and direction to the Council in their decision making. The Mayor needs to represent the city and residents as a marketing ambassador and statesman.

With 3 council members all with less than a year of service and a new council member coming on in May, Farmers Branch needs Experienced Leadership. The business of the city runs too fast to allow for on-the-job training of someone who has never served the city.


I would like to share a few of my priorities that I hope to work with council on:

  • Filling Open Positions at the Police Department.
    • Without fail we need to fill open positions with the best qualified candidates immediately and without lowering standards. I will assist the department and offer myself to go to any recruitment event anywhere in the country to assist in selling the city to prospective recruits. After all, who better to sell the city than the Mayor? I will work with our new Police Chief to make this priority one.
    • Full staffing will take pressure off of officers, which will take pressure off of their home life.
    • Full staffing will provide a better work environment for all.
    • Full staffing will allow our police to give attention to slowing traffic down in our city.
  • Slowing Traffic Down throughout the city.
    • Traffic in Farmers Branch is too fast. We cannot properly address this issue until we are fully staffed. Once we achieve full staffing, I will ask council to support rigorous traffic enforcement. Farmers Branch used to have the nickname, “Don’t speed in Farmers Branch.”  We need to get back to that and let our officers do what they were trained to do. We have more kids than ever before, so we need to make sure our streets are safe for young and old. This will also send a signal to bad actors that our police are everywhere and that bad actors are not welcome in our city.
  • True & Transparent Tax Relief
    • Our city took in more revenue from property and sales tax than expected last year. Our reserve is at a healthy level. So, why did the council not give residents true tax relief? The water bill credit was a pittance of what it should have been. Instead, I will urge council to lower the tax rate which is fair for everyone, our residents and our business residents.
    • Knowing that businesses pay 74% of what it takes to operate the city is important. Respecting them and providing tax relief to them will allow them to reinvest in their businesses, buildings, and equipment, as well as, possibly hire additional employees.
  • Improved Code Enforcement
    • I will urge council to review prior changes to our property maintenance codes, which were weakened by a previous council. Special attention needs to be paid to delineate what issues are matters for police and what issues are matters for Code Enforcement. This should serve to make for a clearer understanding of who is responsible what items/violations.
  • Neighborhood Improvement
    • There are neighborhoods that were promised attention on various items but have been left hanging. The city needs to assess needs and follow through with promised assistance. Much of this is centered around creek repairs. Additionally, everyone would like to have neat and clean neighborhoods. We need to promote pride of ownership and encourage reinvestment in certain areas of our city.
  • Assessment of All Current Assets
    • Just like any other business, the city needs to assess the condition of its current assets such as buildings, parks, pools, rec fields, streets, streetlights, vehicles and equipment. I propose that before the council spends any money on “wish list or want projects” we take care of what we currently have and what needs attention now. This is a fundamental business practice. Bring all current assets up to speed first.
  • Homeless initiative
    • Unfortunately, this is something that is not going away and we need staff who interacts with the homeless to be trained on safe and compassionate ways to engage. I will work with our neighbors in Dallas to take more responsibility for the homeless that live under and around LBJ, which is City of Dallas property. Dallas has a budget for dealing with this, Farmers Branch does not.
  • “Shale Mountain”
    • I have met with and continue to meet and work with County and State officials to make sure that the large dirt pile along LBJ is properly managed and hopefully gone within the next 12-14 months. The dirt pile has created a number of public health issues for homes to the north. We will organize and ban together to make more of a statement to TxDot officials going forward. (We will see if the new grass that TxDot placed on top of the dirt grows and helps to keep dust down.)
  • One Community / One People
    • Farmers Branch is becoming a more diverse city as our population grows. We are home to many cultures. Our Southeast Asian/Indian community is rapidly growing on the west side, Mercer Crossing area. Our biggest challenge as a city is to make sure residents of Mercer Crossing feel a part of the rest of the city.
    • Our historic Hispanic community continues to thrive and, in time, will start to see increased neighborhood revitalization organically. Residents in this area truly understand what “community” is and provide a valuable base for economic activity in our city.
    • The Brookhaven area is seeing huge changes with many older properties being razed for the building of new, larger homes. This activity is adding millions in taxable value to the city.
    • The Midway-Tollway corridor is seeing its own redevelopment. More multifamily is being built. Our challenge is to manage multifamily growth so it provides true economic benefit to the city without taxing our infrastructure.
  • Your Voice Will Be Heard
    • I will welcome anyone to come and speak at City Council meetings. I will welcome one-on-one meetings.
    • You will have the opportunity to make your voice and vote heard when it comes to major projects in the city. With the exception of public safety and certain infrastructure projects, I will work to see that taxpayers get to vote on how their money is to be spent.

All said, Farmers Branch is a growing little suburb of 38,000 people. We are one community and one people sharing the same needs and wants as other cities around us. We are fortunate that we have emergency services with unmatched response times. Our city services for sanitation, brush pick-up, streets and neighborhood repairs rank among the highest in The Metroplex.

As your Mayor, I will work to make sure our city continues to grow without losing the small town community feel that makes Farmers Branch a special place to live, work and enjoy life. 


The following individuals have filed to run for the District 2 City Council seat which will be open in May:

  • Martin Baird
  • Jacob Griffin

At this time I do not have information on either candidate’s websites. Once I have that I will pass that information on to you.


TxDot has now decided to cover their huge dirt pile with grass in order to try to abate dust blowing towards surrounding homes, in addition to the sprinkler system they previously installed. It is estimated that this dirt will remain a presence for the next 12-14 months.  

The City of Farmers Branch is seeking volunteers to fill annual vacancies for Boards and Commissions. Typically,  there are 7 regular members with 2 alternates for each board. Serving as an alternate does NOT count against your term or effect term limits. (It’s extra time to learn what the board is all about.) Volunteers need to apply online ( Now – May 1st.

Animal Shelter Advisory Committee–  This Committee consists of nine members, one of which is a licensed veterinarian, one city official, one person whose duties include the daily operations of the animal shelter, and one representative from an animal welfare organization. All members of this board serve 2 year terms and must pass a criminal background check.

Art & Culture Committee – This Committee  makes recommendations in connection with public art programs and other matters requested by City Council. This Committee has 9 members with special qualifications required for a representative of the Brookhaven College School of Arts, the Carrollton/Farmers Branch ISD Department of Fine Arts, the Firehouse Theatre, the business community, and a resident and/or a local non-profit focused on community art. Members serve two year terms and pass a criminal background check and residency unless otherwise specified.

Historical Preservation & Restoration Board– This Board consists of nine members who must be residents and registered voters of the City of Farmers Branch.  All members must pass a criminal background check.  Members of this board serve 2 year terms with a six year term limit.

Manske Library Board– The Library Board serves as an advisory board to the City Council and consists of  nine members.  To be eligible to serve on the Board, a person must be a resident of Farmers Branch, a registered voter, and pass a criminal background check. Members of this board serve 2 year terms with a six year term limit.

Municipal Drainage System Advisory Committee– This Committee includes six members, one member must be a city resident or HOA representative, a representative of the business community, a representative of the construction and development industry within Farmers Branch, current member of the Valwood Improvement Authority Director, and an ex-officio City Council Member.  All members of this board must pass a criminal background check and serve 4 year terms.

Parks and Recreation Board– This Board is comprised of  nine members.  The board makes recommendations in connection with the operation of the park facilities and recreation programs and other matters requested by the City Council or City Administration. All appointees must be a resident of Farmers Branch, a registered voter and pass a criminal background check.   Members serve a 2 year term with a six year term limit.

Planning and Zoning Commission– The Planning and Zoning Commission is an advisory board to the City Council concerning matters primarily related to development and land use of private property and the planning of public improvements.  The Planning and Zoning Commission is comprised of  nine members who must be residents of Farmers Branch, registered voters, and pass a criminal background check.  Members serve a 3 year term with a six year term limit.

Senior Advisory Board– The Senior Advisory Board serves as an advisory board to the City Council on all issues relating to The Branch Connection including programs and improvements. The Board is comprised of nine members.  To be eligible to serve, each member must be a resident, a registered voter, at least 50 years of age or older, and pass a criminal background check.

Sustainability Committee– The Sustainability Committee assists with sustainable initiatives which includes researching projects directed by City Council.  The Committee consists of nine members who are registered voters of Farmers Branch and have passed a criminal background check. Each member serves a 3-year term.

Zoning Board of Adjustments & Building Code Board of Appeals– The ZBA acts as an alternative for the consideration of individual site requests for relief from the interpretation and enforcement of  Zoning Ordinances.  They review applicant hardships. The Board consists of 9 members. Each member must be a registered voter of Farmers Branch, and pass a criminal background check.  Members serve 2 year terms with a six year term limit.

The City Council also appoints members to the Farmers Branch Local Government Corporation, TIF I , TIF II, TIF III Boards, Metrocrest Hospital Authority Board, DART Board and various other community boards, as deemed necessary.

Farmers Branch is known as “City in a Park”.  There are a number of new projects coming to our city. Click Park Projects to see what is planned and what is in the works!


The Therapy Pool at the Natatorium is cooler than usual due to needed boiler repairs. As an alternative, the Lap Pool temperature has been increased to 85 degrees. For more information, call 972-919-8720.


Spring Valley Lane (near Josey) will be closed to thru traffic in preparation for infrastructure construction under the nearby bridge. Approximately two blocks of Spring Valley Lane will be closed, from the car wash on the east side of the bridge to the apartment complex on the west side. The closure will last between 60 and 75 days.

Klútz Construction crews will remove the bridge; so that another team of contractors can install three new sanitary sewer manholes. Once the improvements are complete, Klútz will remove and replace a channel from Valwood Parkway to Spring Valley Lane.

As you can see, there’s a ton of things happening in our city… Click on the following links to see what else is going on:

The Branch Connection

Farmers Branch Rec Center

City Hall

Animal Adoption Center

Farmers Branch Manske Library

Farmers Branch Historical Park

Farmers Branch Chamber of Commerce

Please let me hear from you regarding any questions, comments or concerns you have about our great city. Thank you again for allowing me to be of service to you.


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